BEMER launches new PEMF device set

BEMER has launched its new Go-Edition to help maximise health and well-being on the go. The portable set uses a low intensity ​​pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) to enhance muscle conditioning, strength, performance and recovery. 

The Go-Edition is classified as a Class II cleared FDA medical device and includes:

The BEMER Go-Edition provides a ​​therapy session in just eight minutes to temporarily increase local blood flow, stimulate muscle tissue and support overall health. Maintaining healthy blood flow is essential for optimal health because adequate blood flow allows oxygen and nutrients to permeate the body. When blood flow is reduced, the body experiences poor circulation, which may lead to more serious health issues. Improving local blood flow within the musculature is vital for muscle function and performance. Over two decades of research and development have resulted in BEMER’s bio-rhythmically defined signal. The PEMF device is designed specifically to target the microcirculation within the muscle tissue.

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