Vietnamese firm manufactures two ventilator types for May availability

Vingroup has completed the manufacture and is preparing to introduce two invasive ventilators to market in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With the strong support of ministries, agencies, health experts and the US-based Medtronic, Vingroup's ventilators VFS-410 and VFS-510 ensure international quality standards and long-term value for use even after Covid-19 treatment period. The first batch of ventilators will be available on 15th May.

VSmart VFS-410 and VFS-510 are two "made in Vietnam" invasive ventilators manufactured by the Vingroup ecosystem. VSmart VFS-410 is an upgrade of the first edition of VFS-310 ventilator developed by Vingroup engineers based on the original community-shared design by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT); meanwhile VSmart VFS-510 subjects to technology transferred and improvement from Medtronic.

VSmart VFS-410 is an invasive ventilator with turbine technology that has the same features as portable invasive ventilators on the market. Based on the design of non-invasive ventilator by MIT-based marketing research team, VFS-410 is modified by Vingroup engineers to become an invasive ventilator with turbine technology instead of automatic bag squeezer technology aimed to ensure high accuracy. The ventilator has monitoring and warning sensors on oxygen levels, positive end-expiratory pressure, patient breathing. All operating principles, boards, mechanical components, software and designs of VSmart VFS-410 are designed, developed and manufactured at Vingroup.

VSmart VFS-510 is an invasive ventilator based on the design of PB560 ventilator model manufactured by Medtronic. VFS-510 has six flexible breathing modes that can be used for both adult and paediatric patients who need invasive or non-invasive breathing support as directed by their physicians.

Vingroup also co-ordinated with Medtronic to adjust the software to ensure that the features of the VFS-510 are completely equivalent to the Medtronic's original PB560 ventilator.

Markus Leitner, director general of Vinfast Automobile R&D Institute 1 said: "It is such a miracle. After just over three weeks of researching ventilators, Vinsmart and Vinfast engineers have succeeded in researching, improving and mastering ventilator manufacturing technology from scratch.It can be said that, only Vingroup can create favorable conditions and generate motivation as well as putting "pressure" on us to do this utopia."

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