Arrow Electronics in conjunction with Analog Devices' comprehensive portfolio of technology and design solutions are helping shape the future of healthcare equipment and device designs. Its true systems approach to functional integrations allows us to collaborate with customers, creating a differentiation in the marketplace.
The population is ageing, and more people need health support, which is having a big impact on the overall spend in medical care. Due to this situation, authorities and health insurance companies are putting more emphasis on prevention, health awareness, and lifestyle. In general, it is not just about exercising more or better nutrition intake—there is more interest in monitoring certain vital body parameters. This is the reason why companies in the smart and health watch business have seen their revenue grow over the last few years.
Buying a health watch and measuring body parameters does not mean that you are living healthier. The trick to healthy living is that you’re monitoring certain body parameters over a long period of time to get more familiar with these numbers and use them to adapt your day to-day life for better health. This is a process that can help you to understand better how the body works and how to reduce the cost of health over the long term. This article is written around Analog Devices’ latest wearable VSM platform. ADI is not a manufacturer for final products. However, this platform has been designed as a reference to help the electronic designer and system architect speed up the development process while designing newer, smarter, and more accurate wearable devices for the professional and medical market.
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