Carclo Technical Plastics (CTP) has announced it is continuing to develop its medical/optical manufacturing facility in Brno, Czech Republic. CTP’s strategy is to continue the manufacturing scale-up of components for drug delivery, diagnostic devices and eyecare disposables.
CTP’s facility has ISO 13485:2016 accreditation and is being expanded to provide capacity for up to approximately 70 injection moulding machines plus assembly capability including ultrasonic welding and printing.
CTP has invested in manufacturing space, injection moulding machines, ancillaries and specialist staff in Brno in response to significant new projects placed by customers.
Managing director Gary Allan said: “Carclo Technical Plastics was established as a green-field operation in Czech Republic in 2002 and has built a strong reputation in Central Europe for high quality, reliable supply and customer service. CTP has long been involved in manufacture of disposable diagnostic and delivery devices and we are delighted to be expanding our facilities.”
The business assembles and packages finished devices for the medical, pharmaceutical, diagnostic and ophthalmic sectors. Typical products include drug delivery devices such as injection devices and asthma inhalers and diagnostic consumables such as pipette tips, reagent packs and Point-of-Care cartridges.