Porvair Sciences has developed a new version of its Homogeniser Spin Column optimised for RNA extraction from buccal swabs.
A large number of current COVID-19 diagnostic tests are reliant on detection of viral RNA from buccal swabs by PCR. The Chromatrap Homogeniser Spin Column from Porvair Sciences has been adapted with the aim of routinely improving yield and quality of viral RNA from nasal and throat swab samples.
The dual frit extraction design reduces lysate viscosity and captures insoluble debris by centrifugation, the homogenised lysate sample is then ready for RNA extraction.
Every COVID-19 RNA extraction undertaken on a Chromatrap Homogeniser Spin Column has its own column eliminating sample cross contamination and the possibility of false positive diagnosis.
The Chromatrap Homogeniser Spin Column is compatible with all manual RNA extraction procedures including the Qiagen RNeasy and Invitrogen RNA link extraction kits.