Two companies who specialise in healthcare have teamed up to distribute a wearable continuous temperature monitor worldwide.
VivaLNK and Reckitt Benckiser (RB) will distribute Enfasmart FeverSense and Nurofen FeverSmart. The products are aimed at parents who want to automatically track temperature changes in their child in order to take immediate action following detection of a fever. They are electronic skin patches that continuously monitor changes in body temperature over several days as required.
Under Nurofen, the FeverSmart product had already been launched as a trial in Australia in 2017. Under Enfasmart – owned by RB – the product is known as FeverSense.
Temperature sensing skin patches tend to fall into one of two main categories: fever monitoring or fertility monitoring. Wearable temperature sensors tend to be dedicated devices with functionality related to a temperature metric only. Whilst other devices (e.g. those for general monitoring of healthcare or wellness metrics, or other options such as cardiac skin patches) can sometimes contain temperature sensors, it's claimed they are unable to give a meaningful estimate of core body temperature unless they are positioned specifically for this purpose (i.e. for skin patches, axially (under the armpit)).